Pamela & Gernot Hirsinger

Translators and interpreters
Compilation, design, layout and editing services
for technical and scientific documentation

lesen Sie lieber Deutsch?


Gernot Hirsinger Dipl. Ing. (TU Berlin)

Pamela Hirsinger B.A. (UK). State examined translator, under oath to the Berlin Judiciary

Herscheider Weg 19,
D-13507 Berlin

Tel. ++49-30-497 71 300                             Fax ++49-30-497 71 301           e-mail: office(at)

We translate in both directions

German > English

English > German

We can help you to find translators for other language combinations thanks to our co-operation with other
qualified translators, members of Bundesverband der Dolmetscher und Übersetzer e.V. (BDÜ), the German
translators’ and interpreters’ association.